Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Next Terror Attack

This is an article I wrote for, uh... something... about two weeks ago, during spring break.

A war with Iran is imminent, but the idea of another war is unacceptable to the American public; another terror attack is necessary in order to justify the invasion and create confidence in the administration. If 9/11 taught us anything, the approval rating spike caused by a helpful Pearl Harbor-type event is second to none; after 9/11, Bush enjoyed a 92% approval rating, the highest approval rating in history.

So when and where will this needed attack occur? All signs point to a major terror attack, possibly chemical in nature, on the Sears Tower on June 6, 2006.

In July 2001, Larry Silverstein signed a 99-year lease on the Twin Towers (he already owned WTC7); he also took out a record insurance policy on the buildings. On 9/11, all three buildings owned by Silverstein collapsed under mysterious circumstances, including WTC7, which was not hit by a plane. Until 9/11, no skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire; the only things that had ever taken down skyscrapers were earthquakes and controlled demolitions. Regardless, Silverstein collected billions in insurance thanks to the buildings' collapse.

In March 2004, Silverstein purchased the Sears Tower in Chicago from MetLife for approximately $800 million. The very next month, a terror attack against the building was defused; the plan involved using dirty bombs laced with deadly osmium tetroxide. Apparently, if your building is purchased by Silverstein, it suddenly becomes quite the target for massive terror attacks.

In the last week, there have been strange computer problems at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, supposedly due to an "accident" that occured during routine maintenance. The significance of this is left as an exercise for the reader.

A terror attack a few months from now fits the rough timeline for a war with Iran - tensions build, hints of war, domestic terror attack (problem), absolute uproar (reaction), and finally an invasion of Iran (solution). But what is the justification for the specific date of June 6th?

These terror attacks are planned and executed with respect to numerology, specifically 11:11 numerology, and June 6th is profusely numerologically significant. For example:

  • 777 days BETWEEN 4/19/2004 and 6/6/2006 (the first being the date of the thwarted attack)
  • The Madrid 3/11 bombings happened 911 days after 9/11
  • The obvious connection between the 6/6/2006 date and the mark of the beast (666)
  • The zip code of the Sears Tower: 60606
  • 333 days BETWEEN the London bombings and 6/6
Regardless of whether you believe in numerology, the people who engineer and profit from these attacks are obsessed with numerology, astrology, and the occult. For instance, almost every major decision made during the Reagan administration was first cleared with an astrologer.

What will they get out of this attack? Pretty much whatever they want; for example, a military draft, to enable statist wars of a number and variety that would never be possible with a volunteer army; new martial law precedents, especially random searches, censorship, and airport-style security in more and more places; draconian legislation similar to the PATRIOT Act; and an influx of foreign troops, perhaps UN peacekeepers.

Note that they used 9/11 towards a lot of these same ends; another terror attack will enable them to swiftly ratchet up the tyranny a few more clicks. It's all about incrementalism and justifying the destruction of the constitution based on the expediency of the moment.

Well, that's it for this week.* Next week* we'll be talking about the developments with Charlie Sheen going public about his doubts regarding the offical 9/11 story.

*Note: I'm bullshitting and have no idea how often I'll be posting articles

Chasing a trail of smoke and reason

The purpose of this blog, as far as I've figured out thus far, is:
  • Discussion of current events and where this country is going
  • Political and philosophical discussion, particularly theoretical
  • Topics in Computer Science, Linguistics, and Language
  • Miscellaneous, Other, and "and now for something completely different"
So, uh... let's do this!

"Oh God, how did this get here? I'm no good at internets!"