Saturday, March 03, 2007

Acton was right

This is an outrage, and half the outrage is over the fact that it's not surprising. Do you think we'd be having debates about socialized health care or banning the word "nigger" if people knew history? Isn't it clear that illegally armed Germans would be storming Berlin right now if they understood the significance of their ignominious past? You think holocausts happen for no reason?! You think they're some accident?

Once again, Alex Jones is right; people who have lived under tyranny before (USSR, China) actually know how to identify it, like this Soviet family in the news article. At least stupid pathetic third world hoardes know not to trust the government! What has to happen before we learn that lesson, and for good this time?

Those court rulings are the worst of all. We'd all be on the path to a more perfect union if court cases were decided through a series of astrological readings.
